Trauma Consultancy Service | Alannah & Madeline Foundation Skip to main content

What is Trauma Consultancy Service (TraCS)?

The Early Years TraCS program supports educators working with children aged three to five who have been affected by trauma.

Recently evaluated by Monash University’s Health and Social Care Unit, the TraCS program was shown to improve educator trauma knowledge, practice and attitudes.

TraCS promotes the development of social and emotional competencies in readiness for school by:

  • Helping educators understand challenging behaviours through a 'trauma lens'.
  • Building the capability of educators to respond to challenging behaviours.
  • Using a 'trauma lens' to foster educator wellbeing, ensuring they can stay happy and fulfilled in their roles.
  • Empowering educators to foster trauma-sensitive learning environments.
  • Supporting educators to be engaged and connected.
"As a result of implementing TraCS, there was a real transformation in our staff and the way they interacted with children, they saw them differently.

The connection was different, because of the alternative way of approaching things. The learning TraCS provided, that kind of coaching enabled them to see something differently.

Previously some of our staff weren't in any kind of headspace to recognise what the needs of these children were. Now they look at things differently".
- Early Learning Centre Manager.

Why is TraCS important in the early years?

Trauma comes in many forms, such as physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect, family violence, community violence, family breakdown, grief and loss, and exposure to mental illness and substance abuse.

Children who have experienced trauma often require significant support to get them 'school ready'.

TraCS recognises that the behaviours of children are best understood within the context of their environment, including their experiences and relationships.

It also recognises that early years educators are uniquely positioned to see the child in context, working with children and families on the front line.

Our TraCS consultants work hand in hand with early years educators, providing context specific supports to help educators identify and address impacts of trauma on children in their care.

The proven impact of TraCS

Recently evaluated by Monash University’s Health and Social Care Unit, the TraCS program was shown to improve educator trauma knowledge, practice and attitudes.

Here's what the study found:

Educators are vulnerable: Many early childhood educators feel that workplace exposure to child trauma impacts their life outside of work.

TraCS improves educator knowledge and practice: Significant improvements in trauma informed knowledge and practice can be seen as early as the first year of engagement in TraCS.

TraCS strengthens educator attitudes: Trauma informed attitude shifts over time, with educators whose services have been engaged with TraCS for longer feeling more able to meet the demands of working with traumatised children.

TraCS empowers early childhood education and care workers: The trusting relationship between TraCS consultants and educators forms a strong foundation for consultants to provide tailored support to educators and workers. 

This study is one of the first to explore how trauma consultancy in early childhood education benefits educators working with children affected by trauma.   

Contact us

To learn more about TraCS, including how you can implement it in your centre, please contact us directly:

Call us on: 03 9697 0619 or fill out the form below.

We'd love to hear from you!

Please enter in the name of your early childhood education centre or school
Real Stories

Eli will often now smile at Jenny and has made friends with another little boy who shares his interest in dinosaurs. And instead of sitting alone, Eli will come and sit on the mat with other children for song time!

Trauma was putting a strong future out of reach for Eli

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