Gifts in wills | Alannah & Madeline Foundation Skip to main content

When you leave a gift in your Will to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation – no matter its size – you will be helping children and young to be happy, safe and strong, now and in the future.

Twenty-five years ago, when Walter Mikac AM established the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in the name of his two small daughters, it was his hope that all children would have the chance at a safe and happy childhood.

While so much has been achieved for children in that time, we are still a long way from this vision becoming a reality.

By leaving a gift to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in your Will, you can help us continue this vital work and help keep more children safe, now and in the future.

Your extraordinary gift will help move closer to making Walter’s vision a reality – helping to give every child a happy and safe childhood free from violence and trauma.

Once you have looked after your loved ones, why not consider making a final gift to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation and make an impact for generations to come?

For more information or to discuss your options, contact our Team today on 1300 720 747 or email [email protected].

More information

Fundraise For Us Teenage Family Mango

Common questions

Common questions and answers about how to leave a gift in your Will to the Foundation.

Donate To Tax Appeal Young Smiley Face Mango

Suggested wording

Download the suggested wording to use when you're ready to include the Foundation in your Will.

Real Stories

"It meant so much to Tillie to have something to call her own...and it helped me to feel less desperate for my daughter”

- Tillie's mother

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