Mr Beary sparked joy as Millie began… | Alannah & Madeline Foundation Skip to main content

Names changed to protect privacy

It was 2pm on a Wednesday when Peta, a child protection case worker, made urgent contact with seasoned foster carers Bob and Lisa.

Peta explained to them that siblings Millie, 4, Aaron, 7, and Jessica, 10, were at immediate risk of harm and could not return to their home. Fortunately, Lisa and Bob could immediately offer them a safe place, where they could be properly looked after.

Violence was normal for Millie, Aaron and Jessica

“The children had experienced ongoing and serious abuse, violence and neglect,” Peta says. “Their mother and her new partner were dealing with complex issues including substance use and severe mental illness. They were unable to ensure the children’s safety and wellbeing.”

Millie, Aaron and Jessica were frightened, worried and very emotional that day. “They were still reeling from a horrific act of violence against their mother by her partner just the night before,” Peta says. “Now, suddenly, they’d been picked up from school and day care by me, (who they didn’t know), and were being taken to foster carers they’d never met at a house they’d never been to."

“All these children had was their school uniforms and day care clothes they were wearing and their school bags.”

The first steps to recovery can be found in a backpack

At the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, we believe all children should have the chance to live happy, safe, and strong. Thanks to our supporters, Millie, Aaron and Jessica could receive a special gift that gave them a sense of security and comfort, as the first step on their journey to safety and recovery.

When Peta introduced Millie, Aaron and Jessica to their new foster carers that afternoon, the children were withdrawn and embarrassed.

“They didn’t want to engage with their carers,” says Peta.

Lisa showed Millie, Aaron and Jessica to their bedrooms so they could settle in. There, on the end of their beds, each child discovered a colourful backpack.

They were Buddy Bags, thoughtfully packed by our volunteers for delivery to vulnerable children around Australia. Buddy Bags are entirely funded by generous people in our community.

Millie had never had her own teddy to love

Later that night, Peta rang the foster carers to see how the children were settling in. Lisa told Peta how Millie’s eyes had lit up as she carefully laid out the items from her Buddy Bag – including new pyjamas, socks and underwear, a toothbrush, toothpaste and hairbrush, a book and a toy.

“Millie was especially excited about the teddy bear in her Buddy Bag, as it was just for her. She told Lisa: ‘I never ever had my own teddy bear before’.”

It’s now two years since the three siblings came to live with Lisa and Bob. They are still in their care, getting the safe, happy childhood they deserve. Millie, now six, started Prep this year and is loving school and thriving!

Peta regularly catches up with the children and recently took them to the movies… along with a very special friend Millie insisted should come: the teddy bear from her Buddy Bag, ‘Mr Beary’!

“Millie is still really attached to Mr Beary as he is the first cuddly companion she’s had for herself,” Peta says. “She sleeps with Mr Beary every single night!

“I see the difference you make every day”

“I want to take this chance thank the generous people in our community who donate to provide Buddy Bags for children,” Peta says.

“On one of the darkest days of their lives, Millie, Aaron and Jessica experienced such happiness to open their Buddy Bags and discover all the special things inside they could keep for themselves.

“When you donate to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, what you are doing really is a big deal for vulnerable children. You are bringing a spark of comfort and joy and it makes a really big difference – I see it every day.”

*All names in the story have been changed to protect privacy.