Gifts in Wills: Your questions… | Alannah & Madeline Foundation Skip to main content

Gifts in Wills: Your questions answered

What is a Gift in Will?

A bequest or ‘Gift in Will’ is the donation you make when you include a charity such as the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in your Will.

Don’t you have to be wealthy to include a Gift in your Will?

Not at all. Many everyday Australians include charitable gifts in their Wills. They know they can look after both their loved ones and the causes that have been important to them during their lifetime.

Every gift – no matter its size – helps us continue our work to keep children and young people safe from violence and trauma.

What type of gifts can I include in my Will?

There are a number of ways you can include a gift to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in your Will:

  • A percentage or share of your estate (residual legacy)
  • A specific sum of money (pecuniary legacy)
  • Property
  • Shares
  • The whole of your estate

Your solicitor can help you decide which option is best for you.

What if I need to look after my family?

Of course, your family and loved ones should always come first. This is why a residual legacy is a popular choice for others who have included a gift to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in their Will.

A residual legacy gift allows you to first leave gifts to your loved ones and pay any financial commitments, and it automatically adjusts to changes in the value of your Estate over time.

Should I discuss my gift with my loved ones?

Yes, we recommend that you let your loved ones know about your gift so they understand why supporting the Alannah & Madeline Foundation is important to you. It will also help ensure your final wishes are fulfilled.

How will my gift be used by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation?

Your gift left for general purposes will provide the Foundation with the flexibility needed to respond to critical priorities in the future.

If you would like your gift to go towards something specific, please contact us to discuss this. It’s worth remembering that most gifts in Wills aren’t received for many years, so if you include a general gift it means we can fund the most critical work at that time.

Do I need to tell you I've included the Foundation in my will?

That's entirely up to you. However, letting us know about your gift can help us plan our future work. And most importantly, we’re very keen to show our gratitude and to keep you informed about our work for children and young people.

Can my gift be confidential?

Of course. Who you tell is completely up to you. All information you give to us is strictly confidential. Any information supplied to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation is protected by our Privacy Policy.

But we do recommend that you speak with your family and loved ones to tell them about your intention to leave a gift to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in your Will. That way, you can be sure that your wishes will be honoured.

Do you have suggested wording that I can provide to my solicitor?

Yes. You can view the wording here. We always recommend speaking to your legal advisor before making any decisions about your Will or Estate.

How do I get started?

Contact our team today for a confidential discussion, or speak to your solicitor.